The Deschutes, which is both a national and state scenic waterway, drops about a quarter of a mile in its final 100 miles as it twists through basalt canyons 700 to 2,200 feet deep. This tributary to the Columbia is renowned for its Summer Steelhead.
The Deschutes River offers some of the best dry line Steelhead fly-fishing in the country. Enriched in tradition and lore this river is an experience all steelhead anglers that strive for a soulful approach should enjoy. Our techniques shadow all the traditional aspects of swinging flies for steelhead. This is the perfect river to chase steelhead with a fly rod, a floating line (in shade), and a traditional fly. The river is designed just right for holding fish in the perfect zone of a properly presented fly.
Mack Canyon is an access point. Jet boating is allowed on the lower segment of the Deschutes River all year ’round except on alternating weekends from June –September.
Starting in late July or early August, overnight guided fly fishing trips for Steelhead are available.
We focus our efforts from Macks Canyon downstream. We target early, aggressive steelhead with swung flies. Single or double-handed rods are used to cover these large runs. August – October is the prime month to book a multi-day jet-boat trip for steelhead on the Deschutes River.